tirsdag 6. februar 2018


Påstander og fakta som er opp for diskusjon:

Kap1: “Weapons of Influence”

EX: [indian jewelry store], turquoise jewelry(×2)
EX: [cheap-cheap turkeys]

[Fixed-action patterns] “A fundamental characteristic of these patterns is that the behaviors that compose them occur in virtually the same fashion and in the same order every time. It is almost as if the patterns were recorded on tapes within the animals.”

[The trigger feature] “But there is a quirk in the system. It is not the rival male as a whole that is the trigger; it is some specific feature of him, the trigger feature. Often the trigger feature will be just one tiny aspect of the totality that is the approaching intruder.”

“The second important thing to understand is that we, too, have our preprogrammed tapes;..”

EXP: [Xerox machine]
[Harvard social psychologist Ellen Langer]
“A well-known principle of human behavior says              that when we ask someone to do us a favor we will    be more successful if we provide a reason.”
“Excuse me, I have five pages. May I use the Xerox machine because I’m in a rush?”
“It seems that it was not the whole series of words, but the first one, ‘because’, that made the difference.”

..EX: [indian jewelry store]
“The customers, mostly well-to-do vacationers with little knowledge of turquoise, were using a standard principle - a stereotype - to guide their buying: ‘expensive=good’.”
“These were people who had been brought up on the rule ‘You get what you pay for’..”
“.., they were playing a shortcut version of betting the odds.”

“You and I exist in an extraordinarily complicated stimulus environment,..”
“To deal with it, we need shortcuts.”
“..we accept their imperfection, since there is really no other choice.”

[British philosopher Alfred North Whitehead] - “civilization advances by extending the number of operations we can perform without thinking about them”

“.., most of us know very little about our automatic behavior patterns.”
“..:They make us terribly vulnerable to anyone who does know how they work.”

[Mimics] “There is a group of organisms, often termed mimics, that copy the trigger features of other animals in an attempt to trick these animals into mistakenly playing the right behavior tapes at the wrong times.”

EX: [firefly Photuris] “..mimicking the flashing mating signals of her prey, the murderess is able to feast on the bodies of males..”
EX: [saber-toothed blenny] “..copying the undulations of the cleaner’s dance and automatically producing the tranquil, unmoving posture of the big fish.”

..EX: [indian jewelry store] “.., she first tries to speed the sale of an item that has been difficult to move by increasing its price substantially.”
“..even when it is not initially successful, she can mark the article ‘Reduced from …’ and sell it at its original price while still taking advantage of the ‘expensive=good’ reaction to the inflated figure.”

EX: [tailor shop-the Drubeck brothers]

Analogi: jujitsu
“The exploiter can commission the power of these weapons for use against their targets while exerting little personal force.”
“..an enormous additional benefit - the ability to manipulate without the appearance of manipulation.”

[The Contrast principle] “..if the second item is fairly different from the first, we will tend to see it as more different than it actually is.”
EX: [light->heavy object]
EX: [talking to a beautiful woman]

[Arizona State University&Montana State University]
EXP: [rated a picture, first looked through the ads]
EXP: [a potential blind date + Charlie’s Angels]

EXP: [psychophysics labs, three pails of water]

[the contrast principle] “..it is virtually undetectable.”

EX: [Retail clothiers] “Clothing stores instruct their sales personnel to sell the costly item first.”
“..Sell the suit first, because when it comes time to look at sweaters, even expensive ones, their prices will not seem as high in comparison.”
EX: [real-estate] “.., he would start with a couple of undesirable houses.”
“These houses were not intended to be sold to customers but to be shown to them, so that the genuine properties in the company’s inventory would benefit from the comparison.”
EX: [Automobile dealers] “..waiting until the price for a new car has been negotiated before suggesting one option after another that might be added.”
“The trick is to bring up the extras independently of
 one another,..”

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